Skill Audit =  Judge yourself what is your best strength and select the role

My skill audit

Skill audits-01

My coworkers’ skill audit

Skill audits-03 Skill audits-04 Skill audits-02

My team finished taking a skill audit. We are going to decide who does what based on our results.

Considering evidences, I take responsibility to make and editing video. I should take some shots and pictures which is able to represent the concept.
Keun Joo who got the highest design skill rating starts up drawing drafts and creating it in digital output.
So Mi translates Korean into English. She also writes a slogan and does text work for website. And Keun Joo and So Mi find some references and information together.
Ko Eun develops the website. She is in charge the whole process from codding a HTML frame to operating and maintaining the website.
Thanks to skill audit, my team confirm the weakness easily and begin working each other promptly and stably.

SWOT Analysis


I participate in English class and take pride in enjoying during course. I try to be lost in thought and come up with in various aspects. Furthermore, every task I learned greatly helps me to improve my skills about making plans and managements. The only obstacle is my physical strength and time. I take more time than I thought to put ideas together and write down it. I need to adjust myself to complete the tasks on time. There is no striking problem except this.

  • Image reference from here

Skill Audit http://www.ifets.info/journals/6_1/hay.html

SWOT http://articles.bplans.com/how-to-perform-swot-analysis/

  • Information reference from here

Skill Audit http://www.inpaspages.com/internal-auditor-training-requirements-qualifications/

SWOT Analysis



Release form report = Contract

Talent ref-01

I mentioned of contributor on category 3 “Personnel”. When you ask people on street and get answers and taking some photos or video with them, there are results which you collect from them. However, there is a restriction to use data as your own content. To utilize information, you must make contributors sign up the Release form report.

Why I need this form? This form gives you a legal right to use the references that you gain from people. You ought to have an agreement from people or they will sue you if they have to. Also, your employees make sure to sign a contract.

Reference form here http://www.filmsourcing.com/blog/production-documents/



Skill Audit =  Judge yourself what is your best strength and select the role

My skill audit

Skill audits-01

My coworkers’ skill audit

Skill audits-03 Skill audits-04  Skill audits-02

My team finished taking a skill audit. We are going to decide who does what based on our results.

Considering evidences, I take responsibility to make and editing video. I should take some shots and pictures which is able to represent the concept.
Keun Joo who got the highest design skill rating starts up drawing drafts and creating it in digital output.
So Mi translates Korean into English. She also writes a slogan and does text work for website. And Keun Joo and So Mi find some references and information together.
Ko Eun develops the website. She is in charge the whole process from codding a HTML frame to operating and maintaining the website.

Thanks to skill audit, my team confirm the weakness easily and begin working each other promptly and stably.

  • Reference from here

Skill Audit http://www.inpaspages.com/internal-auditor-training-requirements-qualifications/



Personnel = Coworker


It is normal to be a member of a project. Personnel is a person who is going to do tasks together. Everyone has various kinds of traits, and it affects when you work side by side.  Your characters tell us a lot of things about you such as your specialty or style. Then how could people distinguish their strength and weakness? Here is a skill audit to test your techniques. (There is more about skill audit in category 3 of Task 2)


Why people emphasize the importance of skill audit? To confirm one’s abilities is very significant for everybody. The reason why is it leads you to know exactly what type of field is the most suitable for you. Not only you, but also your team members need to realize which part needs to get more ready. Once personnel make sure all the skills, it becomes excellent to create a great result and cover a defect together.
If people consider using skill audit in the beginning of their work, it must be helpful to achieve the desired effect. I recommend you to applying skill audits straightway.

Contributor = Unofficial cooperator 


Have you ever interviewed people on the street? Some of them will take part in a small talk. Those people who chat with you are contributors. They do not belong to my team, however, they co-operate in project. On the other hand, somebody who answers a question what you ask for a price or something in web. The answerer can be your contributor, too. (It is related to legal constraints in category 6 of Task 1)



SWOT is the way you build a plan and explain to evaluate the 4 features what your company have; Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats. By presenting SWOT, you can fix several fatal flaws and make listeners understand easier.

Strengths : What is the advantage of your company?
Weakness : What kind of parts need to be developed?
Opportunities : All chances to accomplish the aim.
Threats : The risks or a obstacles that your company has.

  • Image references from here

Personnel http://cognifistech.com/fr/articles/abus-dans-le-programme-de-credits-rsde

Contributor http://i-become.org/a-contributor-gives-himself-to-a-purpose/

Skill Audit http://www.inpaspages.com/internal-auditor-training-requirements-qualifications

SWOT http://akinjidepeters.com/2015/01/28/swot-analysis-for-the-ba/

  • Information references from here

SWOT http://akinjidepeters.com/2015/01/28/swot-analysis-for-the-ba/

Personnel http://english.moe.gov.tw/ct.asp?xItem=1328&ctNode=363

Skill Audit http://www.inpaspages.com/internal-auditor-training-requirements-qualifications/





I organize the budget for my website. I try to minimize expenses as much as possible. First, I prepare the data materials; On-line driver and outer data saves. I hire experts and I pay them based on the amount of work they got. I do my best to provide the best condition to my co-workers. I also sign up the insurances. There is a workshop for group work and devices are ready. I am considering using the music at iTunes or the records what I bought. If I can save that cost, I can use it later when it needs.

I raise the money from everywhere I can. I associate with travel industry to establish the strong position and get money. Furthermore, I succeed to apply for getting stable government support. To get more gain, I request lots advertising inquiries to various portal sites. Due to this, I should adjust the ads space very carefully not to spoil my website. Finally I do some projects about my website or other design projects to earn money to maintain my website.

Download the form Budget_mirimstudent36

  • Post references from my personnel note


  • Cost information references from here

Google drive http://macnews.tistory.com/2074

Outer hard drive http://prod.danawa.com/info/?pcode=1878224&keyword=%BB%EF%BC%BA+2.5%C0%CE%C4%A1+500%B1%E2%B0%A1+%C7%CF%B5%E5

Music https://itunes.apple.com/jp/album/re-road/id908202050?ign-mpt=uo%3D4

Camera http://www.saeki.co.kr/COMMUNITY/MARKET_VIEW.ASP?LM=4&LS=2&SEQ_NO=2024&PAGE=3

Laptop & Desktop http://www.kimsrental.co.kr/notebook_samsung%29nt_p530.html http://www.kimsrental.co.kr/computer_da_db_p400_moniter_2333sw.html

Workshop price http://www.rainbowcube.co.kr/studio/60933

Insurance http://www.etaxkorea.net/bizaffairs_main/bohum/bohum_auto_fr.php?link=insu04

Advertising https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/2423005?hl=ko&ref_topic=3029002

Advertising cost for each media 광고단가표

Rent the laptop in the café http://beyastory.tistory.com/9





Download the form  Budget_mirimstudent36

  • Cost information references from here

Google drive http://macnews.tistory.com/2074

Outer hard drive http://prod.danawa.com/info/?pcode=1878224&keyword=%BB%EF%BC%BA+2.5%C0%CE%C4%A1+500%B1%E2%B0%A1+%C7%CF%B5%E5

Music https://itunes.apple.com/jp/album/re-road/id908202050?ign-mpt=uo%3D4

Camera http://www.saeki.co.kr/COMMUNITY/MARKET_VIEW.ASP?LM=4&LS=2&SEQ_NO=2024&PAGE=3

Laptop & Desktop http://www.kimsrental.co.kr/notebook_samsung%29nt_p530.html http://www.kimsrental.co.kr/computer_da_db_p400_moniter_2333sw.html

Workshop price http://www.rainbowcube.co.kr/studio/60933

Insurance http://www.etaxkorea.net/bizaffairs_main/bohum/bohum_auto_fr.php?link=insu04

Advertising https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/2423005?hl=ko&ref_topic=3029002


Rent the laptop in the café http://beyastory.tistory.com/9



10th Feb 2015

Time management = Schedule = Organizing time efficiently

definition-of-time-management-diagram             time-management-islamic-workplace-com-v71

Firstly, management means the function to accomplish goals effectively. Once you build a list and follow it, it helps to relieve your burden. Time management literally means to get up a plan and rule the amount of time you have. However, people like to draw plans of school, daily life, business and others but they hardly keep those things than their thought.

We always have troubles in making decisions like two examples below here.

-1) I want to sleep more! (Or you must late for your school or work.)

-2) I will do my homework later. (When it comes?)

Except these examples, other problems caused by your wrong judgment might make you embarrassed.

Why do we have to manage time?

-1) To work efficiently and logically

-2) To be able to prioritize the steps clearly

-3) To control yourself not to waste time

-4) To keep your routines balanced

Work as a team, teamwork is the most effective variable to be a perfect team or poor team. Here is an interesting example.

There are 4 people in team 1; A, B, C and D. All of them talk and select their concept and what to do now. A takes the part of marketing, B will find the funding organs, C is going to make a website and D prepares the presentation. In this case, four people take their each role so that the project develops smoothly. They assign a role and collect much more data fast and efficient. The result must be better than your individual one. It seems to divide their works, however, it is also the way you manage time efficiently. Besides, when you or your team going to take part in a project, the plan controls the whole process of the project and result.

  • Post references from my personnel note


  • Image references are from here.

Time management http://theislamicworkplace.com/2011/04/24/time-management-for-muslims-and-muslimas/


  • Word references are from here.

Manage http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Management

Time management http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time_management




10th Feb 2015


What is funding? Basically, it means money.

As a noun, funding is a financial needs or resources which for your purpose. For example, I want to hang out with my friends in the weekend. However, I do not have any money even for taking a bus or taxi. Then what should I do now?

Of course raising money is difficult, but there are many ways to get money, so called income.

Normally if you have your job, you earn your salary and save some part of salary. Saved money will become your own fund later. Or getting a part-time job can make your money too.


On the other hand, you could raise your money by corporate funding. Several companies will provide you property. Then you start your project with their funding. When you make a profit, you should  share profits with your corporate companies.

Furthermore, there is a crowdfunding. In this case, you need lots of people and an organization or on-line platform to invest. For example, the writer want to publish her book, however she needs property first. Then she uses the website like ‘ucanfunding’ or ‘tumblbug’. When the product or project is registered, the organization starts to bring investors to launch the product successfully.


Private and Public funding is regular method to grow money. First, public funding is based on government apply. Even you receive the low money but there is less worry to be the poor than using private funding. Nevertheless its risk, private funding is more flexible to raise capital.


Advertising through media has a great effect. Advertisers utilize websites,Twitter,Facebook, YouTube and Google. Once you carry your ads, the impact stands up for a long time.

Selling products also gain your money. Sell your products to your neighbor or friends directly can finish the work very neat. Or register your stuffs in eBay or amazon. If you use e-commerce, it might be more complicate than you thought.

Now let’s see the cases of expenditure. Sadly, there are much more expenditure than income. Look carefully these options and consider what kind of are not needed to take less care.

First, there are human resources. Each people plays their roles, they are the engine of the world. Of course there is no person who can do everything by himself. So we need to cast somebody else for tasks which require beyond my ability. If I need someone to take pictures, make a photo album and delivery it to my home safely. I want to buy some books only published in U.S, but I cannot take the airplane to purchase them. Delivery man, salesman, professor and so many other people have their roles. We need them all the time and we pay for them. Here is the beginning of the spending.

Second, people make better results with their tools. To be specific, it is a equipment. We need a laptop or desktop to draw digital artworks. Nowadays, people can do everything with smart phones regardless any restriction of time and place. However, to fulfill the equipment, we definitely need to buy or borrow it. Fortunately there are some free resources. It is great to relieve burden, however, you ought to check the licences when you use free sources. Please take care when you use music and especially image. Even though you add the link, someone might accuse you. If you have to use the contents, make sure to buy commercial sources.

iPad App Store - All Apps iPad         uninstall-adobe-photoshop-cs6-2

Next, it is about studio hire. I read an article about a spot has a copyright. When the movie director wants to take the house which is behind the trees, company must pay the proper cost to the owner of selected house. Anyway if you find the spot, you should borrow there after paying price.


There is one of the most important thing you need to recall. Insurance. It is a policy to help you when you got an accident. You pay the money regularly first, certain percent of your insurance cost will cover your medical expenses.

You need materials when you make your plans come true. Materials can be anything such as a camera, data and so on. It is an equipment and supplies to make a piece from basic steps to final completion.

When the time to start post-production editing, you need a software and a place to work. In final step, you spend time to modify your project more sophisticated one. Of course editing program is not free program. Besides, if you work with your co-workers, a cost for studio or workshop would be expensive.

Actually, the best way to earn every sources and materials in the beginning is traveling. This way costs a lot. From departure to arrival, you ought to take care of at least 20 things including transportation, hotel reservation, meals, schedule, weather, time gap and so on. However, you can earn unique sources, special material and your own idea from traveling.

* My first outline of plan

Income – My website’s purpose is to guide foreigners, so I have a chance to receive the government support funding. Also I am thinking about selling ads through airlines, travel companies and other facilities. I am going to design more plans about growing income.

Expenditure – To minimize human resources, I start the project alone. I need other professional help. There is another expense for using facilities to research the places to inform. Plus, I have to ready the fare for a few days. For equipment, I must need a laptop and camera. When I take some pictures, I would better remind not to pay a fine. Besides, I should use internet, so I will spend in café or other places. Also I ought to care about licences when I add links or use pictures from Internet. I want to insert the background music, however, it is hard to find a free music. If I must to put music into my website, I should use music stores or use CDs I bought.

Post references from my personnel note.

10961892_650031058458486_1196048790_n 10965161_650031055125153_898216646_n

  • Image references are from here



Crowdfunding http://writeonsisters.com/tag/finances/

Public and Private funds http://www.gavi.org/funding/donor-profiles/



Studio hire picture belongs to me and Indyart Hall.

  • Word references are from here

Funding http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Funding

Corporate funding http://funding.revenueservices.ca/what-is-corporate-funding

Crowdfunding http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crowdfunding

Private funding


Private and Public funding


Insurance http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Insurance

Materials http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Material&redirect=no